Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kim Kardashian visits Armenia

Kim Kardashian and I have a lot in common.  Well, maybe not so much.  Our names end in "ian" and start with a "K".  Maybe that's the long and the short of it.

The biggest thing is what Kim is doing right now in her life.  The fact that she is paying homage to her Armenian ancestry, ancestors and heritage, that is our deepest connection and greatest achievement.

I am not into reality stars and often the Kardashians, to me, were and are an embarrassment to the Armenian race. Yes, I said it, out loud.  But watching her the last few days has taken her up several notches in my book.  I am glad that she has made herself known with a celebrity status and then has taken that status and used it for good.  I will admire that in anyone.

They are visiting Armenia and showing it to the world.  They have seen and toured ancient Armenian cathedrals, we are an ancient people, after all.  They have even purchased land as a way to bring awareness to the plight of Armenia.  Then they went to Jerusalem and baptized their daughter at the Christian cathedral, where my mother and her family sought refuge in 1921.  I say, bravo, keep the cameras rolling.

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