Tuesday, December 20, 2016

One Christmas Story

Our blended family with other relatives

Since Christmas is only a few days away I've been reminiscing on the past and how our large family often suffered during those days.

My husband and I are a blended family and ended up with 11 children between us.  Some weren't always with us but at any given time we often had 8 children in our crowded home.  My husband had to return to college to study for a career to support all of us.  During this time we had very little money.

In spite of our lack of money, we always welcomed those around us who were in an even worse plight.  And for those who were lonely, which can be so devastating during such festive holidays, we gave them a special place at our table.

Most of the time we were able to have a nice Christmas due to the compassion of strangers and such organizations as the Salvation Army and our local schools and churches.

There was one Christmas, however, where nothing like that happened, my hubby was interning as a student teacher and had no income.  When Christmas came, we had very little in the way of presents.  We told the children we should just be happy with whatever God gave us and we should be thankful and think of all those who have even less.

About mid morning we saw a strange sight.  One of my daughter's friends had adopted us as her family.  Her father had been quite young when she was born and her mother had addiction problems.  She spent a lot of time at our home.  His name was Barry and we got to know him through his daughter.  Imagine our surprise when we saw him walking up our pathway with presents tucked under his arms.  He was a trucker and had just returned from the road.  At one of the truck stops he thought of us and bought presents for the kids,  We dubbed him our new Santa Claus.

What a great day that was.  Probably one of my happiest memories.  We spent the day eating turkey with Barry and watching the kids play with their new remote controlled cars out on the street.

I hope that all those who are lonely or needy this Christmas will find those who exhibit such a Christian message to give to those in need.  I pray no one feels alone. I know this is an impossible prayer, but even if a few more lives are touched, that would be the good news we all want to hear on Christmas.  Merry Christmas.