Friday, May 6, 2016

Mother's Day Memories

Our family 1955 - my mom on the right

 Soon we will be celebrating Mothers around the world.  I'm pretty sure the event started to give mothers a day off from working in the kitchen, hence, all the restaurants packed out with families giving mom a day off.  Flowers were a peace offering for all those times we made her cry.

Growing up I loved surprising my mom with a few flowers I picked for her or a card I made in school.  I would leave them on the back porch, ring the doorbell and then run out of sight, certain I had fooled her,  and more importantly, made her smile.  I would run around the side of the house huffing and puffing, and then calmly walk in the front door as if I had no clue what little girl had left those flowers on the back porch.

My mom left to go beyond the stars before I was done appreciating her.  I'm sure I could have done more. I'm sure I could have hurt her less.  But one thing I know for sure, she always loved me no matter what.

Here's to you, Mom, and all the moms in the world.


  1. She looks like Trina in this photo!

  2. Much love to you Mamasita-I will be calling you tomorrow!

  3. I love this post, and wand to read more!
