Friday, January 23, 2015

The Time of the Assassins

1920 Beirut - my mother, my grandfather and cousin
Finally, I am reading a very enlightening article regarding the problem our world is facing today with Islamic terrorists.  The best part is that it is from a Muslim who understands the nature of the beast, the implications, the underpinnings and possible solutions.  Go for it Mr. Melhem:

Armenians understand this dilemma.  The picture shows my mother sitting on my grandfather's knee, posing with her cousin.  The family had fled Eastern Turkey, my grandmother had barely made it out alive.  My grandfather had been sent to the army by the Turkish government, but helpful friends told him they were killing all Armenians in the army, so he ran away.  He found my grandmother with relatives in Aleppo, Syria.  The story goes that the Sultan in Syria did not agree with the massacre of the Armenians and gave them safe passage.  If not for these people, I would not be alive today. It saddens me when I hear the news of events going on in these countries.  Everywhere, there are souls crying.

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